We provide the Company Restructuring Service in various segments. We internally develop a methodology for this service, which uses an Economic Operational Model on a short, medium and long-term basis.

In our performance improvement and restructuring model, we do a review on several areas of the company, such as Financial, Operational, Marketing, Industrial, Commercial, Administrative, Management and Pricing areas.

We carry out a detailed diagnosis of the company operation, in order to have an overview of what needs to be done at each stage, including interviews with key-employees named by the company.

After this, we are able to set up short, medium and long-term action plan, always having in mind increasing revenue, quality of data to generate management information and also decreasing costs, expenses and errors on this information.


Our Company Valuation model can be used in different sectors of the economy and in companies of different sizes.

Our model follows the report suggested by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM), using the following metrics: Discounted cash flow analysis, market multiple and equity and operational discontinuity.

For instance, in a company valuation process through discounted cash flow, after evaluating the company we can advise our client on merger and acquisition projects for different segments.

For a process of sale of a company or corporate dissolution, is vital that the valuation of the targeting-company is carried out first, with the proper value of the asset to be traded.


  • Company evaluation,
  • List of potential stakeholders with business continuity capacity,
  • Teaser elaboration,
  • Signing of confidentiality agreements,
  • Due diligence,
  • Receipt of proposals,
  • Negotiation and
  • Final Contracts.


We provide services in the preparation of projects for funding in financial institutions, with investors, Brazilian Agency for Financing Studies and Projects (FINEP) and National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES).


  • Preparation of the project’s feasibility study;
  • Development of the funding model;
  • Definition of the best way to capture this resource;
  • Preparation of the document to be presented;
  • Negotiation of fees and grace periods;
  • Assistance for funding with the chosen institution;
  • Negotiation of fees and grace periods;

Provide a control reports and accountability follow-up with the chosen institution.


The main objective of this service is to objectively and assertively determine the cost of each product or service, product family or business unit of the company, and from there, make the best decision for pricing the sales.

Our methodology starts on defining the processes and activities of costing process, including interviews with those responsible for functional areas, analysis of production chain, better definition of cost centre and chart of accounts, so we can define the best strategy for allocating direct and indirect expenses, investments and apportionment criteria in production lines.

Using an absorption costing, we analyse the production flow to elaborate the standard formula of the product, including the following items:

  • Raw material
  • Packaging material
  • Direct labor
  • Maintenance
  • Depreciation
  • Electricity
  • Quality Control / Assurance
  • Factory overheads

So we can create all the analytics, KPIs and reports to proper manage variable Cost, direct labor, absorption costing, standard product formula, pricing and analysis of variable, gross and contribution margins.